Please..... can anyone find for us, an International crews seniority list earlier than April 1975 ??


12 April 1975.....


25 August 1980 ....

This Pilot's List was in accordance with the decision of the Aircrew Industrial Tribunal dated 16 July 1980 ....


13 January 2000


Here's an N.A.C. Seniority list from 1959....
Sample of life prior to AIR NEW ZEALAND

Above: 16th of May 1958, the pilots of No. 14 Squadron on the day of the final farewell flight in Singapore. On the wing, left to right, are Barry Gordon, Ross Johnson and Trevor Huggard. Standing, left to right, are Ian Gllies, Stew Boys, Fred Tucker, Neil Alston, Peter Gasson, Geoff Wallingford, Peter Rhodes and Mike Palmer. Kneeling in front, left to right, are Geoff Roud, Geoff Hubbard and Noel McGuire. The aircraft they are in front of is a de Havilland Venom FB.5, and in the distant background is an Avro Lincoln.

You may find some other familiar names and faces here ....


June 1974

Air NZ Staff News August 16, 1974


Air NZ Staff News February 17 1977

                            Air NZ News January 31, 1980

Air NZ News March 12 1981

Air NZ News May 21, 1981